
白接骨,又名接骨草、接骨木等,属于茜草科植物。白接骨具有活血化瘀、消肿止痛、接骨续筋的功效。在中医临床中,白接骨常用于治疗跌打损伤、骨折、关节疼痛等症状。 一、活血化瘀 白接骨中的有效成分能够扩张血管,增加血液循环,从而起到活血化瘀的作用。对于骨折患者来说,活血化瘀有助于消除局部瘀血,促进骨折部位的血液循环,加速骨折愈合。 二、消肿止痛 白接骨具有显著的消肿止痛作用。在骨折初期,局部会出现肿胀、疼痛等症状,白接骨可以缓解这些不适,减轻患者的痛苦。 三、接骨续筋 白接骨具有接骨续筋的功效,能够促进骨折部位的骨痂形成,加速骨折愈合。在骨折康复过程中,白接骨可以帮助患者恢复关节活动功能,提高生活质量。 四、用法与用量 白接骨的用法多样,可内服、外用。以下为几种常见的用法: 1. 内服:将白接骨研成粉末,每次服用3-6克,每日3次,温开水送服。孕妇及哺乳期妇女禁用。 2. 外用:将白接骨煎煮后,用其药液浸泡患处,每日2-3次,每次30分钟。 3. 煎剂:将白接骨与其他草药配伍,煎煮后服用。 4. 药酒:将白接骨浸泡于白酒中,制成药酒,外用涂擦患处。 五、注意事项 1. 使用白接骨期间,患者应避免剧烈运动,以免影响骨折愈合。 2. 对于过敏体质的患者,使用白接骨前应先进行过敏试验。 3. 孕妇及哺乳期妇女禁用白接骨。 4. 骨折患者在服用白接骨的同时,应注意营养摄入,加强康复锻炼。 总之,白接骨作为一种具有显著疗效的草药,在骨折康复过程中发挥着重要作用。患者在使用白接骨时应遵循医嘱,合理用药,以确保骨折早日康复。

Everyone can flash a passage, with Professor Harry sitting on one side and the insect-shocked person on the other.

Professor Harry showed a cruel grin and sent instructions to the worm by feeling. A sudden jet of mercerization suddenly penetrated the worm’s eyebrows. Chapter 167 Die and die However, this mercerization is not a professor launching. Professor Harry bowed his head in astonishment. Only then did he find that Henry had got up, kneeling… Continue reading Everyone can flash a passage, with Professor Harry sitting on one side and the insect-shocked person on the other.

"Peat" I hung up.

I didn’t react until I hung up. What did Dan Tai Glass just say? Give me an amulet with Wu Yueer’s hair in it. I felt ecstatic. This is the most beautiful conversation I have ever heard from Dan Tai Li. I have to make sure that I have heard correctly before I can call… Continue reading "Peat" I hung up.

Don’t look at his ordinary punch just now, but Augustine knows very well that his punch power is definitely about platinum and Samsung.

If a pet animal is hit, it will definitely not be good. But Augustine felt that he had just punched Tam without causing too much threat. Because he felt that his fist was like hitting a hard steel plate. He is the attacker, but his right fist is still slightly sour. It can be seen… Continue reading Don’t look at his ordinary punch just now, but Augustine knows very well that his punch power is definitely about platinum and Samsung.

"Hello, Governor Luo, thank you for my brave words last year." Chen Bo rummaged through the crowd for a familiar figure and caught a glimpse of Gary Locke, the first Chinese governor, who remembered the kidnapping of the team by the media last year and wanted to laugh, so he went over to say hello.

"Ah, Mr Chen! This is what I should do, not only to safeguard the federal judicial justice, but also to safeguard the legitimate interests of Chinese. "Locke replied very officially after seeing the visitor with a slightly surprised expression." However, it is obvious that he is a Westernized american born chinese when he hears these… Continue reading "Hello, Governor Luo, thank you for my brave words last year." Chen Bo rummaged through the crowd for a familiar figure and caught a glimpse of Gary Locke, the first Chinese governor, who remembered the kidnapping of the team by the media last year and wanted to laugh, so he went over to say hello.


Basketball played slowly for a while, and less than a second passed, and a step was taken in the cold weather. Yang guang’s pupil suddenly tightened up without warning and turned into a needle-like shape. There is no doubt that this is a perfect person. In Yang Guang’s view, it is really perfect to have… Continue reading bang